
Animation – Year 2

PART ONE – Experiments in Animation First Attempts at Animation (Blender) Lighting: PART TWO – Analyse ONE Form of Animation (Hand Drawn, Digital or Stop- Frame) I pick 2D animation • What is this sort of animation used for? 2D animation is a major type of animation. are mostly seen it used in entertainment, most…

Investigation – Year 2

PART ONE – Critical Frameworks Genre – A way of classifying or categorising different media products…. What is genre? Narrative – Explores the way stories are told and structured What is Narrative? Representation – Media texts are not “real”​,Media products offer a constructed reality​, Media texts don’t present reality – they re-present it What is…

PPP / Progression – Year 2

Part One – Understanding Progression Routes Audit and knowledge sheet Developing my Knowledge Uni courses – Apprenticeship – Other career routes – Promotion and Presentation Skills Personal statment – Media CV – Show reel – Part Two – PPP Reflection: Admitting my weaknesses is really important as I can improve on it plus its gives…

Advertising – Year 2

Part 1 – Product and audience reserch Product in my advert: Reading Glasses Im advertising glasses, reading glasses but a fashion item. I want to do this as I think I can make a good advert that looks professional and I can have fun with it because depending on who I choose my target audience…

Start Of – Year 2

My second year… first week back we started with a project about remaking and improvement, we set off in groups and the idea was to recreate a past project but using all the stuff we had learnt in the past year. So one of our group said he wanted to try and improve he’s very…


Audit and goal setting form: 5 University courses that might interest you 2 Work Experience/Placement Schemes that might interest you 1 Apprenticeship place that might interest you Other career progression routes that interest you Write a personal statement draft OR a CV/Cover letter for work CV:

Interactive investigation

Part one: Understanding the problem Screen 3: This is the first first company Screen 3s, there whole website has a very bold font with bright white writing with a blued background making the foreground writing stand out and makes everything clear and the white, black, gray and red colors all stand out against each other.…

Visual investigation

In this project i have a choice between a Music Video or an Experimental Film. What are they? honestly im not sure what an experimental film is exactly but it is a film that is weird, a film that has very stylized editing, a film without a story, a film that is incoherent, a film…

Sound Investigation

glossary: Studio sound recording – The typical recording studio consists of a room called the studio or live room equipped with microphones and mic stands, where instrumentalists and vocalists perform; and the control room, where sound engineers, sometimes with record producers location sound recording – sound mixer is the member of a film crew or television crew responsible for recording all sound…


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