Interactive investigation

Part one: Understanding the problem

Screen 3:

This is the first first company Screen 3s, there whole website has a very bold font with bright white writing with a blued background making the foreground writing stand out and makes everything clear and the white, black, gray and red colors all stand out against each other. i think they have designed their website very well and its clearly very inviting so its better for new customers.

In the top right corner of the website they have a selection of information as must websites do such as – about, this is a very easy way to navigate a new customer around your website but also easily telling them further information about thre cpmany and what they do. Aother icon or shortcut is films- where they have previous films they have produced so you can take a look at their work and see whether its foe you and you like there work. press- has news articals and programs where their work was advertised. contact- is where you can fill out a form to get in contact with the companies personally about any questions or concerns.

Crow Creative

Crow Creative is another video and film production company in the southwest in Cornwall. They offer a full range of services, whether promotional video’s for web and social media, or filming music videos, festivals, sporting and marine based events. Their website seems to be a lot busier then screen 3s but it does hold a lot more information on themselves and what they do.

Crow Creative`s website is also a bit more eye catching because is has bolder colours such as black, white and blue, also many photos throughout the site, most of there pictures and colours are eye catching for everyone as they purpusly have some epic shots and lots of them they can put in display, as soon as you enter the site there is a slide show pic imiges showing how professional their production are on their videos.

Show Reel:

On their page they have float over drop downs containing much more information links such as what services they offer and further knowledge about them. the website also offers a portfolio accommodating all of their previous videos. if you would like to get in contact with them they have a variety of their socials on the right hand side offering twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

My own company-

Name: Different, i have chosen this name as it is short and memorable and every business is trying to prove who is the most unique.

logo: Here is a logo i made and thing it perfect as its a woman filming but she is different and its unique also vibrant coloring helps it pop.

mission statement:

“Bring inspiration and innovation to every mind in the world.

If you have a dream, make it a reality!.”

Founded in February of 2021, `Different TM`is a film production company focused on unique and entertaining projects of a thought provoking standard.

The ultimate goal is to be a world renowned, multi-faceted movie studio that changes the way films are made, financed, consumed and enjoyed while secondarily motivating and inspiring talented, newer artists to achieve their specific goals.

Quite simply. . . Our Mission is to Support You on Yours.


This will be a outline of my businesses plan, i will tell you what work i will do, as a film company i will strive to create all types of film and multiple different genres of film from shorts and documentary to cartoons and animated projects but it is not just our company we want to succeed i will be looking for new and up coming artists to join us so we can help how ever they made need up we basically want to help others be great at what we love the world of film, We will be providing the full service, including filming, editing, sound mixing and colour grading. Moving onto our clientele we will focus on the younger population butt also trying to involve and encourage people older to give advise and help their dream too. How much will we charge?

Exeter company

What do they do and who are they?

They design, brand and market websites for customers.

From brands to websites, we create powerful digital experiences

We have two goals: uncompromisingly good design which gets noticed, and smart back-end technology which drives results.

Everything we do looks and plays the part.

Who have they worked for and what have they worked on?

Roastworks, a coffee company.

This is a website they designed, i really like this website for many reasons, the obvious one is how pleasing to the eye it is there are great shots of coffee and all the ascetics are good but it also is very easy to navigate yourself around with good labeling, good fonts on text easy shortcuts and tabs. It also has all the thing you want on a web sight such as ways to contact the company, there products a philosophy from the company, discount codes.

Here are some reviews from people about illicit.

My email to them

Dear Illicit

Im looking for a website to be built and i needed the following for my film company, slick format bold fonts, good color coding and imaging to promote my brand. i have a logo that has popping colors but is also black and white so will go with a lot of other colors, i have seen your other websites and wanted to work with you as i am confident you will understand what i want and exceed expectations.

first of all i would like a welcoming home page with my company name and logo with a slide show of images of iconic film moments, i want there to be a vibe of a cinema, dark background lighting on the top of the website to almost give an impression as to a film ending when you are scrolling down the page. i would like there to be icons in the middle of the welcome page with the following, “about us” which would be a summary of what we do here. “work” this would be some examples of past work we have done or help create, “Blog” this would be the company’s personal blog with live updates with what we are doing and finally “contact us” this would be a section where someone can find our number, email and a place were they can write anything they would like to us.

we would love to work with you!

Thanks `Different`

My website

Welcoming home page.

What we do and what we offer.

A way to contact us.


Firstly i started with secondary research on another film company similar to what i would like called screen 3, i started to go through the website talking about different things i liked and things i thought they had done really well, things i enjoy on there website, then i moved onto the format and design ideas they have. then comparing this to a second film companies website, called crow create, i did the same to their website talking about different layouts each of them have and different ways of increasing people coming to there website. All in all this helped me decide on an idea of what and where i want my company to go and do. This helped me decide on a name different i landed on this as i saw in the company`s about page they were very similar and i would like to be unique. My logo i feel was really good and i was pleased with how it turned out, the colors are good and the image is almost a mascot so it will be something people remember us for. my mission statement, i also used research on other company’s such as Tesla and the other film company’s to see what they have on them. then from that it helped me with me outline of where my company wants to go.

i was wanted a website made by a company called illicit, i did a lot of research on them, looking at past work, feed back they are getting from customers they had what i wanted and i was intrigued by how good there customer response was. My email included things i wanted in my website, layout, format, design, color. i moved to Wix to create my website and as shown above i did.

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