Visual investigation

In this project i have a choice between a Music Video or an Experimental Film.

What are they? honestly im not sure what an experimental film is exactly but it is a film that is weird, a film that has very stylized editing, a film without a story, a film that is incoherent, a film that is fantastical or surreal. And i think we all know what a music video is.

The examples i have been given are good but i think if i am to do them i will take a different approach to the styles and themes of both of the video but they are both good.

Experimental Film:

Music Video:

What am i going to do?

ideas- Well as we are all in a lock down i would like to make that a theme maybe as it has been the biggest thing in our lives for close to a year now so i feel its significant and people are able in relate but on the other hand its also the only thing anyone takes about so as a young person i thing it would be fun to create something that involves a teen in Devon`s kinda culture and that is very broad but that might be a good thing. My friends are into skating at that seems big right now also clothing, brands, materialistic things, that is already 2 or 3 subjects i could all link together.

music video> For a music video i would like to tell a story, and have the theme of lock down, what have people been doing in lock down? watching films. I have taken some inspiration from my room as i am in here a lot of the time now i have posters on my wall of all my favorite film ranging from Pulp Fiction to Back to the futer, even too marvel films so i would like to film someone in there room or “lock down” and have them look at different posters of films and get mesmerized to them because thats why we watch, its to get involved, to be intrigued and have them jump from film to film telling a story which would match the song.

Experimental Film> For this i want to go back to what i said earlier about the teen Coulter and new tends with some shots about skating, clothing brands, peoples styles, just kind of create a vibe where someone not from my generation can watch it and understand as i do now to my parents in the 90s and 2000s. I could even go as early as the 60 and basically show the similarity or differences of times then to now.

My Examples and inspirations clips/ Mood reel:

1st Music video: like in the sky add we see idris watching a range of film i would do a similar thing but the camera would pan into the TV screen or in my case a poster and it would transition to a clip in a film that we almost walked into, also just like the add instead of idris being in an open room it would been in a teen bedroom just like in lock-down.

Image result for chillin in a dark room in bad with tv on
Image result for chillin in a dark room in bad
Image result for posters of films in a bed room
Image result for watching tv late at night

2nd idea… Experimental video: is would be the same style of video were there are very similar shots of different times but it would be a bit more scripted and edited a lot better with transitions to really show you what the differences where and what similarity there are.

Film Festivals:

how old is it?

founded in 1951 in Germany, Berlin the festival happens each year ans views over 900 films each year.

What are the prizes?

Best Narrative

A music video with emphasis on the originality of storyline; rewarding the scriptwriter of the video.

Best Animation

An animated music video in any of the following formats: Stop-motion, 2-D, 3-D, computer animated; rewarding the animator of the video.

Best Song

A music video with an outstanding song/ track; rewarding the artist/ band.

Best Low Budget

A music video produced with budget lower than 3000 Euros

Best Cinematography

A music video with focus to cinematography, creativity and attention to camera angles, composition, light as well as movement of the camera; rewarding the cinematographer or director of photography of the video.

Best Art Director

A music video with attention to the makeup, styling, costumes, the scenes and appearance of objects in the composition; rewarding the art director or designer of the video.

Most Trashy

A music video that may be deemed too extreme or unacceptable for commercial/ mainstream media – e.g. dirty or funny in content, provocative, satirical, social commentary; nevertheless remaining true to its concept, production & direction. Rewarding the director of the video.

Best Visual Effects

A music video that involves the integration of live-action footage and CGI to create environments that look realistic but would be dangerous, costly & impossible to capture on camera. Rewarding the visual effects artist of the video.

Best Editor

A music video with high standards of editing in terms of audio/visual coherence. Rewarding the editor of the video.

Best Director

A music video with remarkable creative contribution of the director. Rewarding the director of the video.

Best Concept

A music video with emphasis on a strong or original concept; with remarkable execution and interpretation of a song. Rewarding the author of the concept.

Who are the previous winners?

Golden Bear award

2015TaxiJafar Panahi
2016Fire at SeaGianfranco Rosi
2017On Body and SoulIldikó Enyedi
2018Touch Me NotAdina Pintilie

what sort of videos seem to do well in the competition?

Golden Bear 2015 winner

This is Taxi a 2015 gold bear winner, it is a winner for many reasons, the main being who and how it was made. The story is is that the director Jafar Panahi was banned from making movies by the Iranian government so he poses as a taxi driver and makes a movie about social challenges in Iran. It is both smart and interesting.

Outline of my plan: the outline of my music video is this, first of all the beginning would start outside my house as I am at home due to lockdown and the theme is in house and not being able to get out almost a metaphor. some shots of the camera panning through my house till it gets to my room and opens the door. the creepy waking me up to a static tv and then changing back to a film. Im awake at this point looking at a poster in my room of a movie scene, the poster seems to be moving and s I get up to check it out then calling into the poster and being inside different scenes from classic films. the music will be in the background from the beginning and only start to get louder when I start to look at the moving poster of the movie scene.

I thick this would be good for the commotion as I said before its a metaphor for being sick and lockdown making people feel trapped in films as its the only way to pass time. to me this will do well as most of the films in the competition are doing well for there meaning and general creativeness.

story board: (Music video)

Test Shots:


visual investigaction, In this project i have a choice between a Music Video or an Experimental Film. At the beginnng i wasnt sure what an exsperimental film was i, we had bee given an example and it was uniqe and i realised it was a film with very stylized editing, a film without a story, a film that is incoherent, a film that is fantastical or surreal. But i was intrested in the music video but i cam with an idea foe both just in case as we were in lockdown so i was very limited so having a backup or second idea was useful. The musice video example i was given are good but i think if i am to do them i will take a different approach to the styles and themes of both of the video but they are both good.

what was my idea Well as we are all in a lock down i would like to make that a theme maybe as it has been the biggest thing in our lives for close to a year now so i feel its significant and people are able in relate but on the other hand its also the only thing anyone takes about so as a young person i thing it would be fun to create something that involves a teen in Devon`s kind of culture and that is very broad but that might be a good thing. My friends are into skating at that seems big right now also clothing, brands, materialistic things, that is already 2 or 3 subjects i could all link together.

you can look at my idea section above for a more detailed idea of what i wanted from both the music video and experimental video.

So i decided on the music video, then i had to get some reserch and imiges to help put my vistion ahead and help others so see and understand what i wanted to do.

I then looked for a film festival for my type of film to best film and i came across Film Festivals: this is a very good compotation and above i have some research on diffident prices and rules, i looked at what did well in the compotation, pervious winners.

It was then time to start creating my idea, so i make a story board in detail of what i wanted in each seen. It was then time to film but as i was stuck at home and had no editing software i could only do so much but as you can see above there are my test shots. i am happy with what i did because of the situation.

Peer feedback: (Elijah)

“its understandable how short and unfinished it is as you didn’t have the right equipment and the timing was difficult butler some test shorts that’s pretty good and given better planning ad time that could be very good”

” I like how it feel like you are the object flowing and moving through the house that’s good”

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